Father William A. Daly, S.J.                  Council #2122


Fr. William A. Daly, S.J. Council #2122


Knights of Columbus


The Year in Review 2024

 Below is a list of our donations and accomplishments for the 2024 year in no particular order.

Manhasset Baseball League


Kiwanis Club of Manhasset & Port Washington


St. Mary’s Tuition Assistance Program


Church of St. Mary’s


Maryknoll Priest, Brothers & Sisters


Nassau Chapter Charities


Catholic Charities


Rotary Club of Great Neck**


St. Mary’s Outreach**


Our Lady of Fatima Parish Ministry**


KofC Wheelchair Initiative




Seminary of the Immaculate Conception


Fr. Daly Columbiettes


Dress Shoe Drive****


Annual Coat Drive


ASAP Initiative

The highlight of our year may just be the reurn of our Italian Night Party which was held in October.  It was held for the first time in the Marian Room and a great time was had by all.  The event was catered by Restaurant 388.


In April we attended the Annual Nassau Chapter Charity Ball, held again at Leonard's Palazzo in Great Neck.  The Annual event and fundraiser is now named "The Ted Newkirk Nassau Chapter Charity Ball"  in honor of the Council's PGK & the Chapter's Past President, who passed away in 2023.


We had a very good year selling the NYS Council C&B Chance books. We were able to sell the chances after mass again but the membership really stepped up and purchased more chance books than usual. Unfortunately we were unable to send a team to the C&B Bowling Tournament due to illness, injuries and unavailabilty.


Our “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets  sold over 11,000 magnets to our full box purchasers (other councils) and individual sales (eBay).  Our website, www.kofc2122.org made a difference as we accepted credit card and Paypal payments which enabled our shipping department to ship the orders the next day. We look forward to another banner year in 2025.


We sent two Foursomes to the St. Mary's HS Golf Tournament at the Garden City CC,where they honored our  Council for it's support of the school for many years.  Twenty more members attended the dinner and auction after the golf.


The council supported the Parish Blood Drives.


Our second year program from Supreme was a resounding success, called ASAP (Aid & Support After Pregnancy) where in the month of of October we collected Diapers and Baby supplies. We also raised $1,500 which was presented to the Gianna Center.  Our Annual Coat Drive happened in November and generated nearly 600 coats! The Annual Christmas Party had to be cancelled unfortunatelydue to lack of reservations, so our Annual Awards were presented at the December Meeting.   Bill McFadden was presented with a plaque in Appreciation for his support, attendence & contributions to the council.  Our Pastor 

Fr. Bob was presented with our "Ted Newkirk Knight of the Year" award for his continued support of the Council.   Our final award went to Tom Mayerhauser, PGK and he was presented with the councils LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT award.   Our State Deputy Tony Ippolito was on hand to present.



The council also conducted the Annual Memorial Mass this past November  We were joined by the Columbiettes and the Rosary Society. At this mass, celebrated by our Pastor Fr. Bob, Chaplain and we remembered the following who passed in 2024 and all our members who have gone before us.

John Giordano

Robert Dunn

Nicholas Creatore

Anthony Brienza

James Cunningham, PGK

                                      In September we held our Installation of Officers which was well attended.

The officer’s want to thank you for your support during this year and wish you a Healthy and Blessed New Year and hope to see more of you in 2025.

** the council purchased 20 turkey dinners and distributed them to Our Lady of Fatima Parish.
The council also contributed vouchers to the Outreach program at St. Mary’s.
*** we continue to support our seminarians on their journey to priesthood.

**** Shoe Donations went to THE INN at New Hyde Park

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